Competition Information

Shinpads & Mouthguards

It is manadatory for all junior players (those under 18 years of age) to wear a mouthguard and shinpads whilst playing and training, and recommended for all other players.


For all Junior full field competitions the wearing of an approved face mask by all field players to defend a penalty corner is compulsory, and recommended for all other players


Revolutionise System Links for Managers and Administrators

The portals below are your link to assist with getting into the back end of the Revolutionise system.

If you are logging in as a team manager, please use your credentials to log into the Hockey Albury Wodonga portal.

If you are logging in as a club administrator, please log in through your club portal.

Hockey Albury Wodonga portal
CR_United portal
Falcons portal
Magpies portal
Norths portal
Scots portal
Wangaratta portal
Wodonga portal
Wombats portal



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