
This information has been compiled in good faith with the assistance of the clubs and is to the best of our knowledge.  

If you have any information to supplement or update what is shown please contact the office by phone or email.


Details of all Premierships and Best and Fairest here

Details of all Ladders available here

Scanned Newspaper Articles  here

In the link to the newspapers and their subdirectories contains all the newspaper articles that have been saved by administrators of HAW over time and have now been scanned to an electronically searchable format, some going back to to the early 1900s.

Big thank you to The Border Mail for doing such a great job of covering our sport of hockey over the years and have published 99.9% of these articles. 

The articles are named according to their date – 19980508 is the 8th of May 1998 with the trailling number indicating how many articles on that date.  In some cases we have a copy of the media release but not the actual article in the paper – so these are included in lieu.  MAny of the articles that have a date of 1 January, we do not know the exact date but are fairly certain of the year.


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